We are trusted to deal with the most sensitive of risk issues that arise at the corporate head office level. Our corporate advisory team operates alongside boards, in house legal teams, senior executives, business managers and company secretaries – providing the pragmatic and innovative solutions our clients need and proactively anticipating their issues.
As your corporate legal advisor, we help you develop strategies for effective risk management and efficient work practices. With significant local and multi-jurisdictional transactional experience, we can guide you through disclosure, directors’ duties, market regulation and compliance issues. We also like to get onto the front foot – by providing guidance on market practice and market trends as they emerge. As soon as we know, you’ll know.
Our services include:
- Continuous and periodic disclosure issues and company reports
- Business and tax structuring and planning
- Consultation obligations on business transfers, as well as post-closure restructuring and integration planning
- Bet-the-company litigation
- Market regulation investigations and dealings with regulators, including insider trading issues
- Takeover response planning
- Directors’ and officers’ duties and rights, indemnification and insurance
- Constitutions, committee charters, governance policies, and governance processes
- Executive remuneration and employee incentive arrangements
- Preparing for shareholder meetings, analyst briefings and dealing with proxy advisers
- Shareholder activism, contested board elections, and meeting requisitions
- Independent legal advice in conflict situations and to disinterested directors in related party or other sensitive areas
- Advising companies on conducting business in foreign jurisdictions, such as China
- Strategic decision-making.